
Product-Market Fit: A Guide for Tech Startups

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Jan 21, 2025

Product-market fit (PMF), a term first suggested by Marc Andreessen, transforms your product idea from a concept with little to no validation into a must-have solution. But what is it, and why does it hold such an essential role in the success of technology startups?

Why it Matters

Product-market fit means your product answers the needs of your customers; usually better than other available solutions. Finding this fit require you to understand what your customers truly need, and creating a good product or service that fulfils these needs seamlessly.

How does PMF impact my business?

Increases the chances of a successful product

Products that are well-aligned with their audience's needs generate more positive customer feedback and create excitement. This early momentum can be critical in shaping the future of your product.

Carves out a unique space in the market

With an in-depth understanding of your target audience, you can shape your product or MVP (minimum viable product) in a way that distinguishes itself from others. As Eric Ries tells us in The Lean Startup —the goal is not to focus on building a final product, but to test fundamental business hypotheses. This differentiation of your MVP paired with an approach of continually testing, learning, and adapting, will give you a significant advantage.

Paves the way for customer loyalty

When new customers feel that your product genuinely addresses their needs, they're more likely to stick with it. This loyalty can anchor a solid customer base, increase referrals, and drive your business growth rate.

Decoding Product-Market Fit

Product-market fit might seem like something complex that only the most well-known startups focus on. However, it's an incredibly simple concept. Fundamentally it’s concerned with ensuring your solution answers a distinct problem so well that your target audience is willing to pay for it.

So how do we get there?

There's no template or one-size-fits-all approach to building a new product, because every industry and customer problem within that industry is unique in its own right. However there are some important areas to consider.

Understand your customers’ needs

This goes beyond high-level market research, demographics, and user personas, and involves understanding the specific issues your target audience groups face in order to identify their underserved needs. Customer interviews, surveys, and focus groups are a few great ways to gain these insights. Use this information to create audience profiles for the key user groups you’d like to be using your product. Product managers are typically responsible for overseeing these processes with the support of a design team.

Slack excelled in identifying and addressing a common pain point with their target audience — inefficient communication. They understood that teams needed more than just a messaging tool; they needed a platform that could integrate with other services and streamline existing workflows.

Solve an important problem in a fresh way

Your product should not be a clone of what's already on the market—in order to find success, it needs significant market demand and novel product development. It should offer a solution that competitors haven't thought of. This will help you stand out and attract customers who are looking for a better way to tackle their problem. Designing and building an MVP (minimum viable product) with barebones functionality to gain valuable insights from your customers can really increase the speed at which you find PMF, as long as you have packaged this up in an attractive manner. Too many startups fail due to an unbalanced focus on functionality over usability.

Have a clear advantage over other solutions

This could be advanced technology, affordable pricing, or a superior user experience. It needs to be something that makes your product the number one choice for customers and early adopters (like Uber did with its tech-driven, user-friendly, and cost-effective transportation solution).

Clarity in your value proposition

A value proposition is like an elevator pitch. It is an easy-to-understand argument for why your target customer should choose your business. Your value proposition should clearly explain how a product fills a need, communicate the benefits, and explain why it's better than similar products on the market. Your messaging around this should be uncomplicated, to the point, and easy to grasp.

Signs of Product-Market Fit

Your product is out in the wild. Now you're likely wondering, "Did we hit the mark? Are we in sync with our customers?".

How you can tell if your product has found PMF

People are coming to you

Instead of you chasing them down, customers are heading your way for the first time. This shows that your product has sparked interest and it's seen as something they need.

Customer growth is quick and cheap

You're gaining customers without burning through your marketing budget. This suggests that your product appeals to people and they're happy to part with their cash for it.

Customers stick around

You're not just attracting customers; you're keeping them. They use your product regularly over time, indicating that it continues to meet their needs. A loyal customer base is a priceless asset as you plan to grow and roll out new offerings to your buyer personas.

Thumbs up from users (and experts)

Your product gets rave reviews not just from customers on social media, but across the board from experts in your industry. Positive word of mouth and expert endorsements build a good reputation for your product and can also convince potential customers to give it a try.

Key Metrics for Product-Market Fit

Understanding if your startup fits the market shouldn’t be a guessing game. Your business should adopt concrete, quantitative metrics to help you measure your progress and understand how well your product is resonating with your customers.

Once metrics have been adopted, keep a close eye on them, and ensure insights are clearly understood by your product and marketing teams.

Numbers to watch

Sean Ellis Test

Known as the "40% rule" — if at least 40% of surveyed customers would be "very disappointed" without your product, it indicates a strong market fit. This test offers a quick, quantifiable way to assess the essential value and potential sustainability of your product in the market.

Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

This tells you how much you spend on average to gain one customer. If it's costing you an arm and a leg to get customers, you might need to revisit your product and/or marketing strategy.

Lifetime value of a customer (LTV)

This is how much profit you expect to make from a customer over the duration they use your product. When your LTV is a lot higher than your CAC, it's a good indication that customers find value in your product.

Churn rate

This is the percentage of customers who stop using your product over a certain period. A high churn rate could mean that your product isn't sticky enough or failing to meet customers' needs over time.

Net promoter score (NPS)

This gauges how likely your customers are to recommend your product to others. A high NPS means your customers love your product enough to tell their friends about it, which is a solid sign of good market fit.

Product-Market Fit Checklist

Achieving product-market fit can feel a lot like assembling a puzzle without a clear reference of what you’re trying to create. It can be tough, but here’s a simple product-market fit checklist to help guide you.

Identify your target market

Know who your ideal customers are, what they need, and how your product can help them.

Solve a real problem

Your product needs to ease a pain point that your target market faces and wants to solve. It has to really matter to them in order to meet a tangible market need.

Stand out from your competitors

Chances are you're not alone in the market. Make sure your product has an edge, something that sets it apart from the competition and maximises your potential market share.

Craft a clear value proposition

Make it clear to your customers why your product is the best choice. Keep it simple, and make sure it speaks to your target market.

Measure product-market fit

Keep an eye on your metrics like CAC, LTV, churn rate, and NPS. They're your progress report, highlighting your retention and how close you are to the holy grail that is product-market fit.

Listen to your customers

Feedback is gold. Hear what your customers have to say, learn from their experiences, and use their insights to refine your product and marketing strategy to excel in customer satisfaction.

Don't fret if you're not ticking off every point right now. Product-market fit is a journey, and each step brings you closer to a product that really clicks with your customers. Keep iterating and you'll get there!

The Journey to Product-Market Fit

Much like a road trip, achieving product-market fit isn't a simple straight line from point A to B. It's an ongoing journey full of twists, turns, and the occasional roadblock. But it's also a journey filled with lessons, achievements, and plenty of growth.

New tech pops up frequently, and customer preferences are shifting with each innovation. Your product roadmap should adapt and evolve with these changes. You need to keep an ear to the ground, stay aware of new trends, and keep fine-tuning your feature set. When adding new features, a/b testing can be extra important when considering reaching PMF.

Remember, to build a successful SaaS company your product doesn't have to be everything to everyone, but it should be something incredible for someone (your target market). Strive to design and build a product they can't imagine living without.

The journey to market fit is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes patience, resilience, and true commitment to your vision. But when you finally achieve PMF, the result is worth every twist, turn, and detour.

At Edition, we're all about helping technology startups in their journey to find product-market fit and scale beyond. No matter what stage you’re at, we've got your back. If you’re building a technology company don't hesitate to reach out and find out how we can join forces to tackle your current design and development challenges.

Scott Kennedy
Co-Founder & UX Director at Edition
Scott has a rich agency background supporting global brands with digital transformation. Today he’s committed to helping ambitious founders shape tomorrow with technology. Weekends are spent gardening with 90's hip-hop in his ears.


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Boost brand consistency, accelerate development, and enhance user experiences with a cohesive visual identity.
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The difference between good and great lies in the details. It's the seamless user interface, intuitive navigation, beautiful typography and the cohesive design—together creating an exceptional user experience. As a team dedicated to software development, how can you achieve this level of excellence consistently across your product portfolio? The solution lies in leveraging the power of a design system.

What is a Design System?

In simple terms, a design system is the master plan for your product’s visual design and interactive components. It's a comprehensive library of reusable UI elements and design guidelines, manifested in reusable code snippets. But it's more than just a reference manual—it equips your team with a fundamental understanding of the design principles that underpin your product.

Why Is a Design System Important?

The impact of a design system is twofold. Firstly, it helps create a unified design language (across everything from spacing and colour palettes to your style guide and iconography) which leads to a cohesive digital experience. It also ensures every interaction with your product is familiar and coherent, making your software functional and delightful to use.

Design systems supercharge your UI design and development efforts. With a library of UI component building blocks at your design team's disposal, crafting consistent interfaces becomes a swift, straightforward task composed of carefully designed templates.

Streamline Design & Development

Time is of the essence. A design system is a key to unlocking efficiency, offering an array of predefined, reusable components and guidelines. This saves your team starting from scratch for new design components. Instead, you’ll have a design language to quickly assemble interfaces, saving valuable time and effort.

On the development side, a design system fosters collaboration and enables code reuse. Developers can easily access design assets and implement them using streamlined code. This accelerates the development process and also promotes better communication between designers and developers, resulting in higher-quality product design.

Elevate UX & Brand Consistency

Standing out from the crowd demands more than just functionality; it's about resonating with users on a personal level. And that's where a design system comes into play. Think of it as a shared language, aligning your interface with your brand's unique identity, resulting in a software experience that genuinely connects with your users. This consistency goes beyond just enhancing brand recognition; it nurtures a relationship of trust with your user base.

Now, let's talk about your user's journey through your software. When the path is clear and well-marked, the journey is enjoyable, and you're more likely to want to do it again. That's precisely what a design system does. It identifies potential stumbling blocks or confusing turns and transforms them into a smooth and consistent experience. The result is a product that delights your audience, boosting their satisfaction and encouraging them to return time and again. A great example of this is Uber, bringing all of their experiences together in Base – an open-source design system.

Simplify Collaboration & Communication

As your software company grows, maintaining consistency across multiple products and teams can be challenging. A design system mitigates this challenge by providing design processes, guidelines, and a collection of reusable components that ensure cohesive theming across all of your products.

A design system acts as your single source of truth, giving all team members and stakeholders access to the latest pattern library/UI kit and guidelines. This eliminates back-and-forth exchanges and reduces the chances of errors. Product teams (such as that of Atlassian, Github and Salesforce with their Lightning Design System) commonly use Figma to design and manage design systems and component libraries.

Moreover, a design system helps your company adapt to evolving trends in UI/UX design, such as Atomic Design. It allows your products to stay current and innovative, meeting the changing needs of your customers. This adaptability is crucial for future-proofing your software.

Scale & Future-Proof Your Company

Scaling isn't always a walk in the park. The larger your enterprise grows, the more products you're likely to manage and the more teams you'll coordinate. These variables can make consistency a challenge, particularly in design. But a design system proves its worth here—it anchors your growth with clear design patterns and processes that ensure a unified aesthetic across your products. It is your comprehensive guide that means less time and resources spent tackling front-end inconsistencies and more on delivering a harmonious user experience.

How design systems increase scalability:

  • Ensuring Consistency: Establishes clear design guidelines and processes, ensuring a unified aesthetic across your products. Saves time and resources spent on resolving inconsistencies, delivering a cohesive user experience. Borrowing words from Shopify’s Polaris Design System – Details aren’t just details. They make the product.
  • Enabling Adaptability: Equips your company with agility to meet the dynamic demands of the software world, allowing your digital products to remain fresh, relevant, and innovative.
  • Anticipating Market Changes: Allows you to anticipate and respond swiftly to market shifts, keeping your products attuned to evolving user needs.
  • Expanding Opportunities: Provides the flexibility to explore new product landscapes and tap into emerging markets, enabling business growth and establishing industry leadership – from iOS and Android to web design.
  • Supporting Scalable Processes: Provides a framework, enabling consistent and manageable workflows as your company grows and you bring on more people.

Potential Drawbacks & Mitigation

Like all tools, design systems are not without potential drawbacks. They require an upfront investment in time and resources to build and maintain. If not implemented thoughtfully, they can become restrictive, stifling creativity and innovation.

When building a design system, keeping flexibility at the forefront can create a system that is robust and adaptable. It is helpful to view the design system as a living document that evolves with your product, as opposed to a static set of rules.


The journey of software development is filled with challenges and opportunities. Design systems are transformative tools that can navigate these waters, streamlining your development process, enhancing user experience, and cultivating a consistent brand identity.

However, we understand that embarking on the journey to create a design system can seem daunting. It's not a small task to balance the need for standardisation with room for creativity and innovation.

At Edition, we're no strangers to these challenges. We've been down this road before, walking alongside our clients as they built design systems that have unlocked new levels of efficiency and innovation.

With a well-crafted design system in place, your software company can weather the storms of today and be prepared for tomorrow's challenges. Let's take this journey together, and craft a design system that will be a catalyst for your long-term vision.

Looking to build a new website and considering your options? Webflow is the perfect solution. Here’s why.
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Technology companies can’t look past the importance of a well-crafted website that captures their vision and showcases their digital products. To achieve this, they need advanced web development platforms that provide the necessary tools to scale, compete, and thrive.

In this article, we will explore why Webflow is the ideal solution for tech companies, offering a seamless web development experience that drives success.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a powerful content management system (CMS), no-code web design tool, and hosting platform that empowers companies to create stunning and responsive websites without the need for a single line of code.

With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Webflow enables users to visually design, build, and launch high-performing websites in a fraction of the time traditionally spent. It’s intuitive interface, powerful features, and focus on speed and ease of use allows it to effectively bridge the gap between clunky do-it-yourself website builders like Wix or Squarespace and more complex options like Shopify and WordPress that require experienced front-end developers.

Although it's essential that you do your own research and understand your unique business requirements before deciding what solution to use, if you’re a technology company, here are several key reasons why Webflow would likely be a great option.

Simplified Web Development

Webflow has greatly simplified web development, making it possible to design and build a compelling, conversion-optimised marketing website, without any coding knowledge. This is particularly useful for tech companies, as it allows software development and design teams to focus their time and energy on the companies core products and services.

Webflow’s Editor is user-friendly and highly intuitive. Once live, anyone that is given Editor access can make simple text and image changes directly to your Webflow website, without affecting the backend. This greatly reduces the effort required for simple tweaks and bug fixes, and helps prevent you from messing up the design.

The intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers marketing team members to create and prototype landing pages quickly, and optimise workflows effortlessly. The platform also offers a wide range of templates and pre-built components, allowing you to update and built out new designs without starting from scratch every time.

Speed & Performance

Today, people expect websites to load quickly, and if they don't, they're likely to move on. Because of this, speed and performance are vital considerations for any tech company’s marketing website. Fortunately, Webflow is designed to deliver fast and reliable load speeds, thanks to a range of advanced features.


While you have the option of using your own hosting solutions, Webflow’s base plan provides the option of an all-in-one hosting solution that is highly reliable and optimised for performance. With SSL encryption included by default, this ensures an added layer of security for your customers. Other site plans offer more advanced features, suitable for larger businesses and enterprise customers.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Webflow’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) distributes your website's content across multiple servers around the world. This real-time distribution helps to reduce latency and ensure that your pages load faster, no matter where a visitor is located.

Optimised Code

Webflow uses optimised code structures to speed up load times even further. This means that your website's code is streamlined and efficient, with unnecessary elements are removed.


No longer can one argue that SEO isn’t an important consideration. An SEO-friendly website helps to increase your online visibility, drive traffic to your site, and ultimately, boost your business's success.

Again, Webflow offers the perfect solution to this. With optimised code, clean URLs, streamlined directories, and intuitive SEO features, Webflow empowers you to improve your search engine rankings and drive organic traffic - with minimal effort.

Its optimised code ensures search engines can easily crawl and index your site, while clean URLs make it user-friendly and easy to navigate. Webflow's intuitive SEO panel allows you to optimise critical aspects such as metadata, heading tags, and descriptions, boosting your site's visibility.

Responsive Design

A responsive website adapts to different screen sizes without compromising it’s design, structure, and overall effectiveness. With recent studies showing that over 50% of traffic online now comes from non desktop devices, responsiveness is crucial for capturing and retaining the attention of your visitors, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

With Webflow, non-technical and beginner users can effortlessly create responsive websites that provide an optimal user experience without needing to know any HTML, CSS or Javascript. Website building with Webflow’s intuitive user interface can be completely visual process, with design changes being visible immediately, and without the need for a single line of code.

With Webflow's responsive design tools, you can incorporate interactive elements, intuitive swipe features, and layouts that adapt to each user's preferred device. Regardless of how users discover your business, Webflow empowers you to deliver a captivating and user-friendly experience that drives engagement and boosts your online presence from desktop to smartphone.

Increased Security

Despite the security of most tech companies being a top priority, many still adopt website builders that expose their business (and customers) to unnecessary risks and vulnerabilities.

WordPress, for example is rife with security threats and it’s reliance on third-party plugins can create significant vulnerability issues. Outdated plugins end up causing functionality issues on your website, however updating them is often time consuming, and can lead to functionality issues that take even longer to locate and troubleshoot.

With Webflow, you can say goodbye to these concerns. By eliminating the need for plugins, Webflow provides a more secure environment for your business. On top of that, SSL certification is included with all pricing plans, adding an additional layer of security.

Simplified Staging Environment

Staging, testing, and deployment are critical parts of any web development process. Without a proper staging environment, you risk pushing untested or unfinished code live, potentially leading to errors, security vulnerabilities, and a negative user experience.

Webflow simplifies these stages by providing an off-the-shelf staging environment that enables users to test and review changes prior to pushing them live. This helps ensure that a website is optimised, secure, and meets the business and user needs before updates are made to the live environment.

Webflow's staging environment enables multiple users to access and review the site while it is being worked on, helping to streamline the testing and review process. It also allows for easy rollback with automatic backups in case of any issues or errors. If something goes wrong during the testing phase, the Webflow developer can simply revert back to a previous version of the site, avoiding any potential downtime or negative impact.

Flexible Content Management

Webflow CMS allows non-technical stakeholders to mange content efficiently to ensure that their website always provides the most relevant and engaging information to visitors. You can easily add, edit, and update various types of content such as blogs, services, and portfolios, all in one central location.

For example, say your SaaS business requires a bunch of unique landing pages for Google advertising purposes. Once your landing page template has been established within the CMS, you can easily add new variations, you only need to add in the appropriate imagery and accompanying text, and you're all done.

Enhanced User Experience

A technology company’s website design and overall user experience (UX) is critical to its success. Webflow offers a range of features and tools that enable designers to create beautiful, fast-loading, and responsive websites that are tailored to the unique needs of their audience. Custom layouts, animations, and interactions that create a seamless user experience across all devices and platforms are much easier to implement than traditional website builders. This enhances a website's customer engagement, aesthetics, and overall appeal - all vital to startup and business growth.

Seamless Integration & Collaboration

Webflow is a powerful tool that allows you to create stunning websites and it also facilitates seamless integration with other essential business tools. With its intuitive API, Webflow allows you to connect your website to other applications and services, such as payment gateways, CRM systems, and analytics tools, making it easier to manage your online presence and streamline your workflow.

Webflow's integration library offers considerable documentation for popular integrations like Zapier, with detailed instructions on how to set up, configure, and troubleshoot the integrations for a smooth and straightforward experience. This documentation is valuable for both technical and non-technical users, guiding them through each integration step-by-step. Additionally, Webflow's admin portal offers an intuitive interface for managing integrations, from the DNS settings to analytics and tracking.

Rapid Deployment

Operating at pace is essential when you’re constantly introducing new products and features and testing various design assumptions against one another. Every day that a tech company's website remains outdated, it risks damaging its brand reputation and missing out on potential conversions. This is where Webflow comes in, empowering tech companies to stay relevant, effectively communicate with customers, and drive growth.

Webflow requires minimal development effort and eliminates the need for a convoluted design-development-QA handover process. Designers can take charge of the entire process, saving time and streamlining your workflow. Thanks to user-friendly features, creating a new landing page can be done in a matter of minutes by a Webflow designer, not hours, days or weeks. Even better, minor changes can be made directly in the Webflow Editor by your marketing team—freeing up technical resource for more critical tasks.

Building with Webflow is efficient and reduces the margin for error, significantly shortening your website project timeline. Marketing teams can create new pages without relying on developers, making it ideal for your growth-marketing team (or partner) to conduct A/B tests and quickly pivot strategies.

Reduced Cost

Due to several inefficiencies, companies that rely on traditional web development methods may find themselves spending more time and money on website development than necessary, particularly when overhauling a new website.

With Webflow, however, many of these tasks can be automated, or simplified, greatly reducing the time required - and as a result, the cost too.

Successful Tech Companies Using Webflow

The popularity and success of Webflow is evident with a long list of successful tech companies using the platform. Across use cases from product development, e-commerce sites to launching new platforms, Webflow has enabled businesses to achieve their goals and strengthen their digital presence.

There are many case studies of tech companies using Webflow, including AngelList, Lyft, Mural, Lattice, and Dropbox. These companies leverage Webflow's features to create responsive, fast-loading, and visually appealing sites that have helped them engage more customers and scale up their businesses.

Getting Started with Webflow

Webflow has a gentle learning curve thanks to its user-friendly interface, step-by-step guide, video tutorials, Webflow University, and extensive help-centre articles. The platform is cost-effective, offering different pricing options to cater to businesses of all sizes, from personal websites to enterprise-level systems. Their customer service is second to none, with general support tickets being resolved overnight - often with a custom made Loom video explaining the solution to your issue in detail. Additionally, Webflow is continuously improved with regular updates and new features that deliver enhanced value to customers.


For tech companies looking to create a web presence that reflects their vision, captures their audience, and scales with their business, Webflow offers an invaluable solution.

With its easy-to-use interface, seamless integration, and a wide range of features designed to deliver top-notch performance, Webflow enables companies to create responsive, functional, and visually-appealing websites that enhance their customer engagement dramatically.

Ready to bring the Webflow magic to your tech company’s online presence? At Edition, we're Webflow wizards ready to create you a stunning, responsive, and high-performing website. Get in touch if you’d like to understand how we might collaborate.

Venture Capital & Funding
SAFE notes are a popular financing instrument used by founders of early-stage startups looking to simplify the process of raising capital.
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Raising seed capital can be a significant hurdle for the founders of a new technology company. The Simple Agreement for Future Equity, or SAFE note, offers a straightforward path to funding, standing as an alternative to traditional financing methods or a convertible note.

This article explores SAFE notes, how they function, their key differences from convertible notes, and why they might be a great option for your tech startup.

What Is a SAFE Note?

The SAFE note was first introduced by Y Combinator in 2013 to simplify the funding process for early-stage startups.

Unlike traditional funding methods, SAFE notes eliminate the need to value the business. This is particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs who may not be able to justify a short-term valuation to investors when the company has not yet found product-market fit.

SAFE notes also remove other complexities, such as interest rates, maturity dates, and loan obligations that come with convertible debt. Investors provide capital or services upfront in exchange for future equity in a startup, typically at a discount. The transfer of equity takes place only if a conversion event occurs in the future, such as a financing round of at least $1m, helping to avoid early equity dilution.

How Do SAFE Notes Work?

SAFE notes are designed to streamline the way early-stage startups engage with investors.

Here's a breakdown of how they work:

Initial Investment

Investors provide startups with capital or services upfront, but instead of receiving immediate shares in the company, they receive a promise of future equity. This is where the "simple" in SAFE note comes into play, as it cuts through the complexities of traditional investment terms.

Trigger Event

The note converts into equity only if a defined trigger event, also known as a conversion event, occurs. This event could be the startup's next priced equity round, an IPO (Initial Public Offering), a liquidation event, or another significant event. The conversion is based on a simple set of predefined conditions that aim to benefit the investor, acknowledging the early investor’s support with favourable terms.

Valuation Cap & Discount Rate

These are the two critical elements that dictate the conversion terms.

Valuation Cap

The valuation cap sets a maximum valuation at which a SAFE converts into equity, ensuring they receive a fair share of the company relative to their early investment, even if its valuation skyrockets.

Usually it will be set at the expected valuation at the time of the next trigger event. For example, if you believe you are likely to raise capital for your Series A round at a $20m valuation in 12 months, $20m might become your valuation cap.

Discount Rate

The discount rate is another mechanism that aims to provide investors with equity at a lower price than that offered to investors in the next round of financing. Again, this serves as a reward for the SAFE note holder’s early investment risk.

The most common discount rate used by startup companies in Australia and New Zealand is 20%. However this varies depending on factors such as founder experience, the industry, and whether the trigger event is expected to happen very soon or if it’s unlikely to happen for a long time.

Transfer of Equity

When a trigger event occurs, the notes convert into preferred stock or common stock depending on what was agreed. The conversion price favours the investor by converting at the more advantageous option between the valuation cap and the discount rate outlined in the SAFE agreement.

Benefits of SAFE Notes

There are several founder-friendly reasons SAFE notes make sense for early-stage startups, particularly those who have yet to establish a pre-money valuation, and their investors.

Benefits for Startups


Capital raising through SAFE notes offers the flexibility to secure capital without setting a pre-money valuation, streamlining the fundraising process.


SAFE notes enable faster closing of funding rounds. This speed allows startups to secure capital when needed quickly and helps new investors join your cap table efficiently.


With fewer complexities than convertible notes, SAFE notes reduce paperwork and legal fees.

Growth Focus

With no interest or maturity dates, startups can concentrate on scaling their business without the burden of debt repayment.


Depending on the terms, SAFE notes are typically treated as equity on the balance sheet, rather than debt, thus removing their impact on the balance sheet solvency test.

Benefits for Investors

Early Access to Investment Opportunities

SAFE notes offer investors a chance to back startups early, by simplifying the process of making an investment.

Potential for High Returns

Given the discounted equity and potential for significant valuation increases, investors can achieve high returns on their initial investment if the startup performs well.

Alignment with Startup

The conversion of SAFE notes into equity links investors' success with the startup's growth. Pro rata rights also allow investors to keep investing in later rounds, fostering a partnership-focused approach.

Discounted Equity

Investors might benefit from a discount rate on future equity, enhancing potential returns as the company's valuation increases.

Disadvantages of SAFE Notes

SAFE notes present unique benefits to both founders and investors. However, they also carry specific limitations that founders and SAFE investors should seek professional legal and financial advice to understand fully.

Disadvantages for Startups

Equity Control

Using SAFE notes might result in unexpected equity dilution, reducing founders' ownership stake in their business.

Investor Misalignment

Differences in company valuation and equity conversion expectations can emerge, leading to potential conflicts between founders and investors.

Future Fundraising Complexity

Managing several different SAFE notes with varied terms can complicate later funding rounds.

Disadvantages for Investors

Ownership Dilution

Conversion of SAFE notes into equity can dilute an investor's stake, especially with subsequent fundraising rounds.

Valuation Cap Challenges

Valuation caps might not accurately reflect the startup's potential value, especially if its valuation significantly increases.

Indefinite Returns

With maturity dates, the timeline for realising returns on SAFE notes is predictable, which can complicate investment strategies.

Equity Dilution

Converting SAFE notes into company equity can dilute the existing capitalisation table, potentially deterring some investors.

SAFE vs. Convertible Notes

SAFE and convertible notes are both popular methods used by early-stage startups looking to raise pre seed or seed capital from investors. While similar, there are some critical differences in their structure and terms.

SAFE Notes

  • Equity-like instruments; no valuation is required.
  • Simple and flexible; ideal for fast cost-effective fundraising.
  • Convert into equity during future financing.
  • No interest or maturity dates, minimising direct financial pressure.

Convertible Notes

  • Convertible notes work as debt instruments that convert to equity later.
  • Convertible securities are generally more complex, with potentially higher legal costs.
  • Have interest rates and maturity dates, increasing structure.
  • Offer more protections to investors, like liquidation preferences.

How to Issue a SAFE Note: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Consult Legal Advisors

Imagine your Fintech startup (structured as an LLC) is looking to raise $100,000 Pre seed funding. Although not always necessary, you should ideally consult a law firm that specialises in startup finances and understands the nuances of your industry. They'll help you kick off the SAFE note issuance process by drafting a document tailored to your situation.

2. Define Key Terms

You and your legal team determine critical terms for the SAFE note. In our example, let’s imagine you opt for a $3 million valuation cap, and a 25% discount rate. It is obviously important to ensure these terms are attractive to investors while protecting your startup's future growth potential.

3. Draft the SAFE Note Agreement

Draft the SAFE note with legal guidance to include your chosen terms alongside the specified conversion or trigger event, such as an equity financing round of at least $1 million. You might also consider including milestones that, when achieved, adjust the valuation cap or discount rate.

For a practical starting point, we suggest utilising the SAFE Note template provided by Kindrik Partners.

4. Present the SAFE Note to your Investor

Offer this SAFE note to your potential investors such as angel investors, venture capital firms, or a venture studio. Naturally this needs to accompany a detailed overview of your business and growth strategy, usually in the form of a pitch deck—VCs and other investors must understand the investment vehicle and the vision they're investing in.

5. Execute the Agreement

Assuming your investor is happy with the terms you have presented, you would solidify this through a formal SAFE Note agreement and distribute the signed document to all parties to keep for their records.

6. Equity Conversion

Now let’s imagine 12 months later your startup raises a $1m Seed round of funding at a pre-money valuation of $5m from new investors. This causes an equity conversion to be triggered, as the capital raise meets the $1m trigger event.

To determine the valuation at which the SAFE note will convert at we take the lower of:

  1. The discounted valuation; the seed round valuation of $5m less the 25% discount, which is $3.75m.
  2. The valuation cap; which was $3m.

In this case the valuation cap of $3m is less than the 25% discount on the pre seed valuation of $5m, so this valuation will be used to determine the conversion value. This means the $100,000 SAFE note will be converted to the relevant number of shares at a $3m pre-money valuation.

The SAFE note would convert first, so the $3m pre-money valuation would become a $3.1m post-money valuation. The SAFE note investor would therefore get 3.23% of the company, this is calculated as $100k/$3.1m.

After the SAFE note has converted, the new seed investment capital would come in causing the SAFE note investor to take part in the equity dilution. The new investors would be investing in a $5m pre-money valuation which would become a $6m post-money valuation. For their $1m investment they would get 16.7% of the company, this calculated as $1m/$6m.

The Future of SAFE Notes in Startup Financing


While SAFE notes are very common in Silicon Valley and more mature startup ecosystems they are not yet as common in New Zealand and Australia. We anticipate that SAFE notes will continue to gain traction in Australasia as our startup ecosystem matures. Their appeal lies in their simplicity and the benefits they afford both parties which is crucial for the tech sector which needs to prioritise speed and innovation.


SAFE notes will likely continue to evolve. We expect to see new types of SAFE notes that address the changing needs of startups and investors alike, potentially incorporating more standardised terms and offering nuanced investor protections.


SAFE notes will likely inspire the creation of new financial instruments. These alternatives could refine or redefine the terms of engagement between startups and investors, providing more tailored solutions to industry-specific challenges. It will be interesting to see Blockchain technology's impact on startup fundraising.

Continued Relevance

At their core, SAFE notes embody the principles of flexibility, efficiency, and alignment of interests. These qualities are highly valued in the startup ecosystem and are likely to ensure their continued popularity and relevance.

Key Article Takeaways

SAFE notes have become an important funding tool, especially for early-stage companies. They protect startup founders from premature equity dilution and avoid having to value a business on day 0. They also provide an efficient mechanism for investors to invest in high return opportunities without upfront negotiation on valuation.

Read some key takeaways from this article:

  • SAFE notes are legal instruments used in seed-stage financings that give investors the right to convert their investments into equity at a later date.
  • SAFE notes offer advantages for startups, such as flexibility, streamlined processes, and no interest or maturity date. They also offer discounted equity and potential preference during asset distribution for investors.
  • While SAFE notes have risks and limitations, conducting thorough due diligence and seeking professional advice can help mitigate potential drawbacks.
  • SAFE notes differ from traditional convertible notes regarding interest payments, repayment, company valuation, and debt versus equity representation.
  • The future of SAFE notes in startup financing looks promising due to their simplicity, flexibility, and investor-friendly features.

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